Justin and I have been talking about going to the gun range for quite some time. Last Saturday, he took me down to Doug's Shoot-n-Sports. I got to try quite a few different brands and calibers of guns.....I decided that I liked the glock the best. And guess what....Justin let me buy one! See below........

Glock model 27 .40cal

I should mention that we have been talking about getting me a gun for a while and have been looking at other gun stores, this was not a spur of the moment type of decision. Once I really got to do some shooting.....I was hooked! We are taking the Concealed Weapons Permit class next week, taught by a friend of Justin's. Safety is very important to us and I would like to find a class for Kenlee to take that is for children and gun safety. So, if anyone knows of that sort of thing, let me know!
Awesome. Cory and I took a class last week and had a great time. We also got to go out shooting! Fun day. I got to try out a couple of guns and also liked a glock.
Hey you wild woman you!!! We should go shooting some time...I'd love to release some pent up anger. lol
See ya Thursday my dear!
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