So, we have known for a while that our computer was on its last leg. It quit burning CD's and would freeze up every once in a while. On Monday night, the monitor died (and would come back to every once in a while for a few seconds). Our old computer was a Mac Mini and we had it for almost 5 years. Its has been really good little computer and we haven't had too many problems with it. And now Justin is a "Mac" guy. So, we had to get another one. This is what we got......
Apple iMac 3.06 GHz with 27" display!!!
(this is a terrible picture of my messy desk)

Intel® Core™2 Duo processor; 4GB DDR3 SDRAM; DL DVD±RW/CD-RW SuperDrive; 1TB hard drive; built-in webcam; built-in AirPort Extreme (802.11a/b/g/n); Bluetooth; Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

In comparison.....
These pictures actually don't do it justice. Its gigantic! We are excited and hope it lasts as long as our old one.
And just like that...poof, there goes our tax refund :(
ugh, send one my way.... my laptop is totally about to die :(
I found the cutest pics of when Dylan was first born and you guys came to visit, pics of him and moses and kenlee... soooo sweet :)
awww. makes me sad. love ya jl
Awesome monitor! I'm jealous. I'm also jealous that you guys get a tax refund! of the disadvantages of self employment! Congrats on your awesome new computer, though!
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