Please pray for this precious baby girl.....Indiana. She is the granddaughter of my boss and good friend, Phil. She was delivered by emergency C-section on Saturday and the family found out on Sunday that somewhere along the way, poor baby Indie suffered a stroke. They know that she has suffered some neuorological damage, but don't know to what extent. They are having her transferred from St.Marks Hospital to Primary Children's today. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

They got to bring little Indiana home on Thursday. They ran every imaginable test on her at Primary Children's. Now they just have to wait and see, as she begins to develop, what her limitations might be. Hopefully her brain and her body can adjust well and work together to help her have as normal life as possible. They thank you for your kind words.
Poor little angel... I hope everythings ok!
What a sweet little precious baby! I will pray for her. That breaks my heart. I hope all is well and that the worst is just in a nightmarish thought and not a reality. Give my blessing.
Love Nessa
She will definently be in my thoughts. I hope everything turns out ok, she deserves to have a wonderful life. Keep us updated!
She is so beautiful! I mean it, she is really a beautiful newborn. That doesn't happen very often, you know.
We could put her name on the prayer roll at the temple. What's her last name?
My heart is breaking. Please keep us updated on how she is doing. I will pray for her for sure.
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