Who's not watching the Olympics? We are tuned in every night. We love it! The
hightlight for us has been, or course, Michael Phelps.......he's
truely unbelievable!

We have also enjoyed watching Misty May and Kerri Walsh kick some butt in the beach volleyball! I like the gymnastics but its been hard to get Justin to watch them for very long...he's pretty disappointed with our gymnasts this year.
And that's what's been going on in our life for the last week, besides work and the usual day to day stuff.
Hard to get him to watch? Really?? I had to turn the gymnastics off, even though they are my favorite, because my husband was a little TOO into them if you know what I mean! I'm like, "They're twelve! That's sick!" lol. He's also addicted to Women's beach volleyball.
Believe it or not, I think Justin's actually interested in the athleticism. He thinks that they suck, they don't even have to stick their landings anymore.
Krista, I didn't know you had a blog! I saw your blog on Amy's site. You can check ours out at www. bakersamazinglife.blogspot.com
I hope all is well and I will see you on Sat!
I work with Earl,Baron and Randy! It is ALL rainbows lol
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