Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Good Advice

Today while google searching..."old geezer" (don't ask), I came upon a blog that I found very entertaining: nobodycareswhatthisoldgeezerthinks.blogspot.com
I guess it might be boring to some people, not me. She even has 2 ingredient recipes that sound really yummy! Anyway, I found her entry for her 38th Wedding Anniversary...here is her advice for a long happy marriage:

1. Never, ever, ever threaten divorce.
2. Never stomp out of an argument - give yourselves 1 hour to cool off, then try again to work it out (and don't think YOU have to always win).
3. No yelling and screaming - he's in the room. He can hear you. Calm down.
4. Treat him the way you want him to treat you.
5. Mark his calendar for important dates (like birthdays or any other time you expect a gift) so he's less likely to forget. If he still forgets, buy yourself a gift and give him a big kiss thanking him for it.

I want him to be happy, he wants me to be happy. It's as simple as that.

I think its great advice! Just a little FYI!


The Beckstead's said...

Great advise we could all use. It was good to see you on Sunday, it's been awhile. Don't be strangers!

natterbee said...

That's great advice. I'll need to remind myself every now and then!