Monday, December 19, 2011

Making Sweets with my Mom

I took last Tuesday off work to stay home and make treats with my mom. It was so much fun! My Dad washed dishes as we dirtied them.
We (my mom) made 5 different kinds of fudge: White Chocolate candy cane, chocolate, chocolate walnut, peanut butter and Rocky Road. I made 3 different kinds of caramels: Plain, pecan and RASPBERRY! Then I made about a million sugar cookies and Toffee(which I re-made over the weekend and it turned out much better than the first attempt). Then we wrapped them up and delivered them to my neighbors! I sure hope they enjoyed them!

The finished Sweets!


Amanda said...

We loved the treats! They are the talk of the neighborhood:) Have a great Christmas!!

Aubrey Anne said...

I've been meaning to send you a thank you for the mixer you passed on to me! I am LOVING it! So much better than my old one, and I made the best cookies. Not best compared to YOURs of course, but pretty damn good. ;)