Its been forever since my last post, so here's a catch up....
My parents left to go back home on Nov 2nd after a 5 week stay with us. It was so nice to get to spend time with them. Kenlee loved being with them and getting ALL of their attention! I hope it won't be another 2 years before we get to see them again!
We had Thanksgiving at our house again this year. I didn't get any pictures with my camera, so I'll have to steal some and post them here later. It was the usual Thanksgiving fixin's. I did the turkey this year! I have only cooked like 2 my whole life so I was surprised that I didn't ruin it...YAY! Oh, and Justin had another turkey smoked at a BBQ place by his was a big hit!
I went "Black Friday" shopping at around 11am and was back by 1pm and hit 5 stores.....pretty dang good I say!
I got my tree up that weekend and the other Christmas decorations.
It got cold and snowed a lot. Kenlee was building a snow fort in the front yard with the neighbor melted yesterday :(
Kenlee has been spending a lot of time with Sandy, who now live only a couple streets away. They watch TV together, knit and talk about cats.
We cleaned out our basement and Justin (with a little help) installed light fixtures and switches!! It sure beats having to pull that dang string!
We got a new (to me) front loading washer and dryer and it has changed my life! No more missing the rinse cycle and 2 hours of drying time!!!
Oh, and I got a treadmill too! I am having a hard time with it....its just not the same as hitting the pavement. Hopefully I will get used to it and I will use it more. I still use my elliptical alot and its my favorite. Now I have set up my exercise equipment in our old office and put a TV in there too. I should be set until it warms up outside!
Happy Holidays!!!