
So, I leave class tonight and start to back up the car and something is not right. I get out and sure enough my tire is as flat as a pancake. Hmmmmm, I have never changed a tire. I have seen Justin do it many times. Do I remember any of it? Turns out, not much. Well, I open the trunk and get the stuff and can't find the stinkin' jack! I have a jack, right? Where do they put the stupid thing? Just then, Amanda (from my class) is going to her car and she stops to help. So, we get her jack and go to work. She's unbelievably helpful. I am really shocked. She knew to loosen the lug-nuts before you jack up the car. She jumps right in and does it. Now to jack up the car.....where? I had to get out the owner's manual, very helpful, it has idiot-proof, step by step instructions. So we finally, kind of, figure out the jack bar thingy and are jacking up the car when this helpful guy in the picture offers his help. Turns out, he has never actually changed a tire either. So, Amanda took off the tire, helpful, friendly guy operated the jack and then I put the tire on and tightened the lug-nuts. TA-DA!! I didn't even have to call AAA. It was actually hilarious and I'm sure there was someone watching from a distance laughing hysterically. But wow, what a sense of accomplishment. Amanda and I were gleaming with pride as we walked back into the school to wash our really black and icky hands.
To all you women out there (or men for that matter) that haven't changed a tire...DO IT! At least know how so you aren't completely helpless if this happens to you!
I should also note that when I got home Justin found the jack, repaired the tire and put it all back together in a matter of minutes. Not fair!